Sex, Relationships and Romance
As a journalist, I know it is rare to find a source of information on all three of these subjects. But when you see the SAME book receive highly-favorable reviews in the areas of Sex (Men’s Health, FOX News, New Man), Relationships (Oprah, 700 Club, Men are from Mars/Women are from Venus), and Romance (Cosmopolitan, The Other Half, Bridal Guide) - you know you have found something very special.
Whether you want mind-blowing sex, or want to make your relationships more exciting, or simply want to better please your lover(s) - it’s all here in this expansive reference. My readers have told me that this book resulted in: “my lover calling me a ‘god’ in bed”, “saving our marriage” and “tripling the number of Hot Women who ask me to stay the night”, ... (read more...)
Blowing diet expert love
The advice in book work really fast! My girlfriend never want have sex with me. She claim too tired, too rushed, my fault... you know. I get book and all the "extras". Read it all, one weekend. Now she tiring me out!! She want sex every time we be together, she say I am "best" she ever had, she even tell her friends that I am "best"!!
I've wasted so much time trying to figure out something I could never understand... Romance...
Now I'm overloaded... this book has given me so many cool things I want to try out... so far I've tried about a dozen of the best... they were killer!... the girl becomes putty in my hands... Great Stuff!!
Got the book. This stuff is like sooooo easy to do!!
I thought I would have to do unnatural stuff, you know? But it is all so *easy*. Like just make few small changes, a couple of key tips, a different approach, and WHAM! The girls just line up for you. (And you can do whatever you want with/to them!)
[evil grin]
Thanks for also telling me to buy the author's "Collection". Awesome! Expecially Ebook # 7 and Bonus # 11 and # 15 (my list, maybe yours is numbered different?). Totally AWESOME!!
Yeah, I heard about this book. And I KNEW it was just a bunch a hype! I saw it on THREE news networks in the same day!!
But then, later, I was in my doctor's office fliping through a bunch a magazines waiting, and there's this article about the book! So I read it.
Ok. I was wrong I admit it. I got the book, it's great, my wife thinks I'm a new man, it put new life into our marrige, yada, yada, yada. :-)
But ya can't blame me for avoiding it when I first heard about it. Like it was on EVERY news show, every talk show... enuf already! :-O
I am the CEO of a large corporation. I hesitated to circulate this book amongst my staff. (The initial embarrassment of having to discuss it, of course.) However, that trivial hesitation, passed quickly.
David, you could write a full month of media articles, simply by interviewing all the people at my company, who have now made tremendous improvements in their love lives, thanks to this book! Married, single, divorced, committed relationship, multi-relationships... even NO relationship (a problem also "cured" by this book).
On behalf of us all, thank you for posting your Review, and leading me to this outstanding reference;
I’ve been married almost 30 years... Our marriage has been slowly going down hill for quite a bit... I figured it was too late to do anything about it and just kind of accepted it... This book turned things around... almost immidiately I saw the change in her... my marriage is so much better now... thanks to you (and to webb of course) for giving me my marriage back!
There are TOO MANY tricks to choose from!
I bought it just to see if it could help me in the bedroom. (And to get them into the bedroom. [wink]) But there are soooooo many good ones to choose from I didn’t know what to do first. I just picked some a random.
They ALL worked great. I’ve got lots of babes to choose between now! I just wish he had them in some sorta more organized system, ya know.
Everything in my younger years was Catholic training: everything sexual was *evil* (unless you're a priest hitting on the altar boys), and I was so naive and mixed up I really thought I was going to *hell*.
After I wised up and dropped that, then it was *sexual harassment* that I kept hearing about all the time. The message I got then is that it's not OK to be sexual until you're already going with someone. Of course now I know that that only applies to man who a woman is NOT ATTRACTED TO.
OK, so now I *understand*. But I was still reflexively *doing* the same wrong things.
Michael’s book is the best way to actually go about reconditioning your *behavior*. I can now be cool enough to get dates, and calm enough to take things to the *next level*.
David, do you know me?
I think every guy "knows" me. I’m the guy who has been chasing his one dream girl, for over 5 years - and getting nowhere!
Well all that’s changed now. I purchased the book you suggested and used some of the *killer* techniques in this book - and it worked like a charm!
We’re getting married...
awesome page man...I was thinking about doing a blog talking about the same already understand...I did take a few quotes from your can link to me and I will link to you...thanks in advance.
Awesome post for your only one...I quoted something from you blog to my blog...I would tell you but then again, you are going to have to just come and see for yourself...
my quotes and proverbs blog
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