Improve Your Performance in HER eyes!! Make Your Sex Life HOT! Welcome to my blog, about a mind blowing diet of expert love making techniques!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blowing Diet Expert Love

Blowing Diet Expert Love

Make Women HOT For You - 10 Powerful Ways!


Writing a long list of media reviews, on lovemaking and sexual techniques of the experts (including books, courses, seminars, etc), I have compiled quite a ‘healthy’ list of methods for my own, personal use. Call it, one of my ‘job benefits’. (A constant diet of mind blowing sexual techniques and expert love making methods - quite a benefit indeed!)

Following are 10 ways for beginners (even intermediates), to greatly improve their performance (as judged by HER). But first, realize that for women, attraction begins long BEFORE the bedroom - so we will begin there...

(Note: This is a condensed version of my original national media article in syndication.)

#10: Start with her sense of Smell.

Scientific fact: A woman’s sense of smell is much more powerful than a man’s.

For men who do not like wearing cologne, seeing the number of women “interested” in you TRIPLE, can be a quick “cure”.

And finding the best scent is simple. Ask a woman!

Have a salesgirl test a few different popular male scents, on the inside of your wrists. Then approach women at random and ask for their ‘help’ in finding the best scent for you. Women love giving their opinion on topics such as this!

(Yes, in case you are wondering, this is also a great tactic for approaching women.)

#9: Always be a Sight to behold!

Even though how you look is not as important to a woman as other factors, what she sees can still turn her OFF. If you do not know how to create a style for yourself, use the advice of a close female friend or study examples in magazines like GQ. And remember, stylish does not have to be expensive.

Big mistake to avoid: Wearing what you THOUGHT was stylish, when you were a child in school. Examples: Baseball caps worn backwards. Rings and Pins sticking out of your mouth, nose, ears, etc. And of course, the one “fashion” that screams ‘LOSER’ loudest: hip-hop ‘midget pants’. (Those low-hanging pants, that make you look four feet tall.) Continuing to dress this way will communicate to HER, that you are STILL a child...

#8: Create a Taste sensation!

When you are out with a woman - be adventurous in this! Order something she has never had before, (but which you have tested in advance, of course). If you cannot think of something, you can fall back on the two safest selections: champagne & chocolate!

#7: The Sound of Sensuality.

Women spend their lives reading Romance Novels. And in their mind, they can ‘hear’ the voice of their ‘dream guy’. Deep. Slow. Sensual.

Practice speaking with your voice an octave lower. Speak s-l-o-w-e-r. To a woman, slow means ‘sexy’. (To get the right idea, watch Hollywood films: Bond..... James... Bond.....)

The good news is: These techniques for improving your sexual performance in HER eyes, are EASY to do - once you know about them. Read my article above titled Sex, Relationships and Romance - click here for it: Blowing Diet Expert Love . After you read it, immediately read what HE says (you'll get a much better idea of all this, from reading the information on his page)... Dating & Pickup Success

Blowing diet expert love